Vision Space



Life begins at 40! We are now at the prime of our life with many good years ahead. We have mastered skills and achieved many significant milestones. When we cross 40 years on planet earth, it is even more important now to take care of our eyes. 

We do this by going for regular yearly eye exams to help us see clearly and comfortably at all distances as well as eye health screening to ensure that our eyes are healthy. Yearly Eye health screening by the optometrists or eye specialist can detect eye diseases at a very early stage and therefore be treated easily to save our sight.

We will have difficulty or strain our eyes when looking at near. This condition is called presbyopia. We are recognized experts in crafting personalized vision solutions from progressive or multifocal spectacles, office or digital spectacles, single vision spectacles, progressive or multifocal contact lenses, orthokeratology for presbyopia and many more to help our customers see clearly and comfortably again at all that they love to do.


(>40 years old)

Computer Lenses
(>40 years old)

Digital Lenses (20-39 years old)

Specialised Contact Lenses

Presbyopia (>40 years old)



Presbyopia is a common age-related vision condition that gradually diminishes the eye’s ability to focus on close objects, affecting virtually everyone to some degree by the age of 50. This natural decline in the eye’s focusing ability can significantly impact daily activities, making tasks such as reading, using a smartphone, or any close work increasingly difficult….

Essilor Varilux XR: Personalised Multifocal Lenses

Essilor Varilux XR series are advanced progressive lenses designed to provide a seamless visual experience for individuals with presbyopia. These lenses are tailored to the unique visual behavior and needs of each wearer, offering a significant upgrade over basic multifocal lenses.

Computer Lenses (>40 years old)


HOYA Occupational Lens

HOYA Occupational Lenses, also known as computer lenses, are specifically designed to meet the visual demands of individuals who spend significant time performing tasks at close and intermediate distances, such as working on digital devices.


ZEISS Office Lens

ZEISS Office Lens is a specialized type of lens designed to enhance visual comfort and performance for individuals who spend significant time working at a computer or performing other tasks that require clear vision at intermediate and near distances.


Nikon e-LIFE series

The Nikon e-LIFE series (Home & Office and Soltes Wide) is specifically designed to enhance near and intermediate vision, making it an excellent choice for computer work and other close-up tasks.

Digital Lenses (20-39 years old)


ZEISS Digital Lens

Digital lenses are a modern innovation in eyewear technology designed to meet the visual demands of today’s digital age. ZEISS Digital Lenses offer relaxed and clear vision while working on smartphones and other digital devices. ZEISS Digital Lenses significantly improve the accommodative response in wearers.


HOYA SYNC III: Digital Lens

The HOYA SYNC III is a digital lens designed to address the visual demands of modern lifestyles, particularly for individuals who spend significant time on digital devices. These lenses incorporate a slight power boost in the lower portion to alleviate eye strain associated with prolonged near tasks, such as reading or using digital screens.


Essilor Eyezen: Digital Lens

Essilor Eyezen lenses are advanced single vision lenses specifically designed to address the visual demands of a digital world for individuals as young as 6 years old. These lenses incorporate cutting-edge technology to reduce digital eye strain and enhance visual comfort for users who spend significant time on digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers.



Daily Contact Lenses

Daily contact lenses are soft and one-time use contact lenses that are easier and more comfortable to wear compared to rigid gas permeable lenses. Made to be convenient, they are typically worn in the beginning of the day and disposed of at the end of the day. Hence, it is an essential for the sports active, travel enthusiast and event-going individuals! You can simply pop them on without needing a reminder to clean or setting up a date in your calendar to replace them.

Our products include materials such as silicon-hydrogel, which allows five times better oxygen transferability to the cornea compared to the standard hydrogel lens. A lack of oxygen causes a condition called hypoxia, which may lead to red eyes, blurry vision and also increase the chances of infection.

Is this your first time? Feel free to talk to any of our experienced optometrists to make the first time a great experience!


Bi-weekly Contact Lenses

Biweekly contact lenses are contact lenses that are prescribed to be worn at a time period of two weeks. Depending on the brand, they can be worn as normal wear (to remove and clean each night) or as an extended wear (worn without removal for a recommended amount of days).

For that reason, the lenses are more durable and thicker which are less prone to wear and tears on the surface of the lens. They are in fact one of the most popular choices amongst users, as it balances the benefit of monthly and daily contacts, allowing the freedom to put their contacts on and remove them on their own schedule without feeling wasteful.


Monthly Contact Lenses

Monthly contact lenses are made to stay comfortable and hydrated up to 30 days of wear. Like any normal wear, cleaning and storing with solution after each night is needed, even if you have not worn them for a day. If you’re planning to wear contact lenses frequently, monthlies are the way to go. They are the most cost effective and least wasteful amongst the available options.

Have you ever felt that your eyes tend to dry out pretty fast? Are you someone whose eyes are sensitive to things like dust or pollen in the air? You might want to consider monthlies if that is the case. Monthly contact lenses are more compatible with sensitive eyes as they are thicker and hold moisture better, which can actually offset some of the irritation you’re used to feeling. Because they’re designed to last longer, they can provide better comfort without the worry of changing lenses.


Extended Wear Contact Lenses

Unlike normal wear, extended wear contact lenses are designated FDA approved contact lenses for continuous wear from seven, to up to 30 days straight. The materials of these contact lenses are made of silicone hydrogel material. These advanced materials enable your eyes to “breath” better and especially important when worn continuously.

These special contacts enable the militant personnel, the outdoor enthusiast or the ward shift workers to fulfill their activities without any obstruction of view, any fogging or dirt splatter, and especially when cleaning or handling the lenses are not convenient. People with abnormal or significant bad vision, such as high refractive error, may benefit as it becomes extremely helpful to be able to see clearly at all times, especially in the middle of the night.


Toric Contact Lenses

Toric contact lenses are contact lenses designed to correct astigmatism along with myopia or hyperopia. Normal contact lenses do not correct astigmatism. Those with astigmatism will benefit from toric lenses where it cuts off glare and provides crisp vision.


Breakthroughs in Color Blind Contact Lenses

Color Vision Deficiency (CVD), often known as color blindness, is a condition that impairs a person’s ability to accurately perceive colors. This condition stems from the limited function or absence of one or more types of cone cells in the retina, which are responsible for color vision.


Myopia Contact Lenses

High myopia, with above -5.00D, is related to a number of sight-threatening complications such as retinal detachment, cataract, macular degeneration and glaucoma. With the prevalence of myopia increasing worldwide, greater attention has been given to curve the risk and to slow the progression in those already affected by myopia with better solutions and management.

In VisionSpace, myopia control contact lenses are the frontline solution managed by our team of orthokeratologist. The types of contact lenses for myopia control we use include OrthoK and MiSight 1 Day.

MiSight 1 Day

MiSight® 1 day is the first soft contact lens proven to slow the progression of myopia in children. They are daily disposable lenses then are worn in the beginning of the day and are taken out to be disposed of at the end of the day, requiring no upkeep and easy for handling. They excel in comfort, vision, ease of use and freedom from spectacles, making the experience of wearing contact lenses pleasant. It has a special optical design which may help to slow down the speed at which myopia progresses


RGP Contact Lenses

Rigid gas permeable contact lenses, or RGP, are commonly called hard lenses which are made more durable, more resistant to deposit buildup, allowing a clearer and sharper vision. People often choose RGP for their easier care system, better astigmatism correction, and economical advantage as they last longer than soft contact lenses. However, they are initially not as comfortable as soft contact lenses and may take a longer adaptation time. Other than that, they are smaller in size compared to soft contact lenses, meaning there is a greater chance for it to dislodge from the eyes during sports or other activities.

Apart from that, RGP provides superior optic which contributes to better vision for high astigmatic corneas, approximately -2.50 diopter and above, neutralising a better degree of astigmatism in the cornea. With little care, gas permeable contact lenses can last for years (generally one to two years), as long as you don’t require a prescription change. You may find it useful if soft contact lenses failed to provide the desired vision. Also, because RGP lenses are made from a firm plastic material, they retain their shape when you blink, which tends to provide sharper vision than pliable soft lenses.


Scleral Lenses as a Non-Surgical Solution for Corneal Scarring

Corneal scarring is a significant cause of visual impairment and blindness globally, particularly in developing countries. It results from a variety of causes, including infections, injuries, surgical complications, and diseases that affect the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye.


Prosthetic Contact Lenses as a Solution for Post-Concussion Photophobia

Post-concussion symptoms vary widely but often include headaches, dizziness, cognitive difficulties, and sensory sensitivities such as photophobia (light sensitivity). Photophobia is a prevalent and debilitating symptom that can arise immediately after a concussion or develop over time. It involves an increased sensitivity to light, where normal levels of brightness can cause discomfort or pain, leading to a need for darker environments.


Achieving Clearer Vision with Hybrid Contact Lenses for Keratoconus Patients

Keratoconus is a progressive eye disease in which the normally round cornea thins and starts to protrude into a cone-like shape. A visual acuity test, performed by eye care specialists, is crucial in diagnosing conditions like keratoconus that affect vision. This deformation causes light entering the eye to be refracted irregularly, leading to visual distortions such as blurriness, glare, and sensitivity to light.

Specialised Spectacle Lenses

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